In the Soul Counsel programs, participants use weekly focus sheets in between sessions that allow them to explore the inner Soul self through various modatlities and exercises that often included writing and journaling. This also allows for integrating the material that is discussed in the individual sessions.
In the Soul Dive program, one of the focus sheets is writing the Origin Story of ones Soul. The one below was recently read to me during a session....... and truth be told...I was so deeply moved by it that I wept as I listened. It is a powerful piece and I feel it is also a universal voice of the inner Soul of who we all are in essence. I trust you might be nourished by it today as well. ORIGIN STORY OF MY SOUL I needed to come out at this time and in this place and with these other souls even though it was not the intention of your mother at first. I had to see that being the last and the youngest gave me freedom and some overshadowing that needed to be overcome. You had to bring joy and freedom and possibility into this world. To show others what they are capable of. There are some obstacles here for you. Some worries that you must learn to let go of. Let go of the things you can’t control. Ease your mind. Don’t ruminate and over analyze. Judge less, love more. Allow yourself freedom and coming into the unknown. Face your fears of first times and not knowing and don’t let them stifle your love of adventure and spontaneity. You have stifled the YOU wishing to suit those you hope will love you. Love comes from those who authentically are your life partners -friends, family, lovers. Easily and without invitation. You come from a place where all energy dwells, from all around us, and will return there some day after the lessons have been learned. No fears necessary. Your departed loved ones are all around you rooting for you, leading you on this sometimes difficult but always rewarding journey back to yourself. Love you. You are worthy of all things good, simple, difficult but needed. All will be revealed. All in the service of your highest good. Make your way through the mud - there is sunshine and happiness on the other side. You are here to nurture and nurturing can also mean helping others through their tests and struggles as they grow on their own journey. Love never ends and never dies. It just transforms. Save your worry and transform it into loving kindness. For yourself first then others. You have to believe and end worry. Go out there and explore. Win. Lose. Laugh. Cry. Experience is all there is. This is the way. And so it is.
AuthorMolly enjoys spinning words together to invoke and inspire the Soul. Archives |